Facial Recognition – Not Just For Airports

11 November 2021 By webmaster

Facial recognition has been around for quite some time. However, its use and applications are only just now becoming more widely known to the general public. A facial recognition software program is an artificial intelligence software capable of recognizing a human face in a picture, either from a video clip or an electronic image, and then matching that face against a pre-existing database of recognized faces, usually used to verify users via biometric identification services, such as at airports. Such systems have made it possible for security personnel at airports to identify and prevent passengers with known terrorist tendencies from boarding the airplane. The same technology has also made it possible for businesses to monitor employees who are carrying laptops.

What is facial recognition?

But what exactly is facial recognition? In the most basic terms, it is the process of recognizing someone based on their face. In today’s age, facial recognition software can be found in almost any type of computer operating system. It is not limited to use by law enforcement, but rather can be found in various other applications. Facial recognition technology offers a variety of potential uses, all of which raise important privacy and security issues.

One of the first areas in which facial recognition systems are set to benefit society is in the area of biometric identification. Biometric identification is the process of identifying individuals from databases using specific characteristics, such as fingerprints or hand prints. For example, law enforcement uses a facial recognition system known as a biometric bledsoe scan to determine if a person is guilty of a given crime. If a person is positively identified through a biometric scan, authorities then have the legal authority to detain and take custody of that person until they can be found guilty of the crime.

Another potential use for facial recognition technology is to monitor employee performance. Some employers screen job candidates using standardized tests of personality and ability before offering them employment. These tests can identify if a person has potential behavioral problems, such as lying or dishonesty, that could make it difficult for them to perform their job duties. If a company observes an employee doing poorly on a standardized task, such as answering a questionnaire, the employer can obtain data from the test and verify that the particular candidate is indeed performing poorly. By using a facial recognition database, that employee will have his or her data uploaded into the company’s database, allowing human resources personnel to easily spot poor performers throughout the work force.

Verify an individual’s identity

Facial recognition is also beginning to be used to prevent identity theft. By monitoring and logging facial features of individuals, businesses can reduce the number of times that someone has to be contacted in order to verify that an individual’s identity. In addition to preventing fraudulent use of a person’s personal information, a facial recognition system can also prevent the same individual from using that information to commit a crime. For example, when applying for a driver’s license, a potential criminal would not have to show proof of a certain physical trait in order to get approved.

Biometric technology is becoming more common in security measures. A fingerprint device is often used in public safety departments to aid officers in identifying suspects in crimes that may be suspicious or simply to prevent the loss of valuable goods. A facial recognition software program, which can be used in a number of situations and is often connected to an existing identity database, can be used to perform similar functions, helping to identify people or objects, as well as prevent the loss of items of value from theft.

The potential applications of facial recognition software go far beyond protecting personal devices, however. By using face recognition technology, organizations are able to protect many aspects of their business. Identity theft is a growing problem across the country. By using a system that monitors and logs facial characteristics, companies can identify criminals who are trying to use another person’s identity to obtain goods and services. Uncovering identity theft is especially important in today’s climate of rampant identity fraud, where criminals are stealing other people’s identity in record numbers.

Security at airports is also a growing concern. While most airports are performing routine background checks on passengers to ensure they are who they say they are, there are also certain areas where facial recognition can be helpful. Many airports now use facial recognition technology to identify criminals, preventing them from boarding the aircraft. Passengers can also be scanned before they are allow to board so that only authorized passengers will be allowed on the plane. This method is used to stop criminals from attempting to steal from the flight, as well as to prevent contraband entering the plane.